I have a requirement to transfer files from one server to another. I used RCP command to perform the same and it was working fine. Please find code below:
rcp tst.txt usrname@hostname:/home/username/destination_folder
I tried to automate the same using Expect command so created the below mentioned shell script:
/usr/bin/expect -d<<EOD
spawn rcp tst.txt usrname@hostname:/home/username/destination_folder
expect "*userid@hostname's password:*"
send "mypassword\n"
I didn't get any error while I executing the shell script but the file was not transferred. Can someone help me figuring out what the issue is?
I have tried password less transfer through key generation but with no luck so I am trying the RCP approach.
Thanks in Advance, Vijay
After sending the password, wait for the completion of rcp
, by expecting for eof
send "mypassword\r"
expect eof
If password-less, then, after spawning rcp
, expect for eof