Basically Im trying to add visualilzation to a delete action.
And the code im using:
{{#each wrappedRecords as |record|}}
<span class="remove" {{action "removeRecord" record}}></span>
So the removeRecord action is being triggered and a record is removed from wrappedRecords
And now in my fade-element component wrapper. I catch component destroy in willDestroyElement
export default Ember.Component.extend({
willDestroyElement : function () {
var clone = this.$().clone();
And it does not work however when i replace:
with clone.insertAfter(this.$().parent());
It does work but then a new problem comes up. E.g:
I have 2 items and i try to remove the first it would look like this
X1 (to delete) X2 (second element) X1 (Clone that was appeneded to parent)
Link to live demo
So two things:
The solution is
See for the solution as a twiddle.