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how can I add text after an id in a word template with delphi?

I have a "template", a regular word file, and I need to insert text in specific places. I adapted the code from here:

to fit my needs. So I put some identifiers in the word file and used the replace function. It works fine but i can't do that to insert the text of a memo cause it's too big for the word replace function...

In short, i need a way to find an id (#social) and replace that with a large text... I've seen the range function but dont understand how it works. I need an example to get an idea of how to do it, please.


  • A better way to do Word templates is to insert bookmarks wherever information needs to be added programmatically. In the Word template, simply highlight the range you wish to turn into a bookmark and either use Insert -> Bookmark or press Ctrl+Shift+F5.

    enter image description here

    Give the bookmark a name and then insert your text like:

      LWordDoc : WordDocument;
      R : WordRange;
    // the document, etc
    if LWordDoc.Bookmarks.Exists('My Bookmark') then begin
      R := LWordDoc.Bookmarks.Item('My Bookmark').Range;
    end else begin
      // handle missinng bookmark

    Here, using .InsertAfter the text will be added after the bookmark. You can also use any other Range methods or properties, for example R.Text := 'foo'; to substitute the highlighted range with the text you supply.

    It is useful to store your bookmark names in some sort of intelligent structure - how you decide to do that is up to you.