I have a $http get method which should invoke my local server. I am getting proper response from my server through postman. Following is my Json values:
As "bslRef":acms.2016.04.00
which is the value I am interested in is not enclosed in a json tag [""].
That is why i am getting an parsing error. This is the error I am getting from jsonlint.
Error: Parse error on line 3:
...: 27885, "bslRef": acms .2016 .04 .00,
Expecting 'STRING', 'NUMBER', 'NULL', 'TRUE', 'FALSE', '{', '[', got 'undefined'
Following is my angularjs controller code:
$http.get('/baseline/getBaseline?', {params: {
currProject: $scope.selectedProject}})
.success(function(data) {
.error(function(data) {
I have tried with parse() method and stringify() method but of no use.
My server side application is a spring-mvc rest application, which is giving me proper response, But in the said format.
Please some one help me either parse this through angular methods, or get me a json type response from my spring controller. TIA.
The issue got solved. Actually in my pojo class for Baseline I had added following Json annotation.
private long id;
@JsonSerialize(as = BaselineRef.class)
private BaselineRef bslRef;
private int size;
private boolean isDefault = false;
private boolean isOpen = true;
private boolean isDaily = false;
private String baselineDate;
private BaselineRef parentRef;
private Collection<String> activities;
Hence while retrieving I was getting following types of response.
Once i removed the annotation Now I am getting
which is my desired response. Here i ensured that BaselineRef has an toString method. Here I dont have to parse in my angular code. Thanks for everyone help.