Is there a pattern to share a single dojo/store between multiple widgets?
I have multiple widgets on the same page that use the same dojo/store, and I don't want to duplicate it, so I don't need to make the same REST calls twice.
Consider creating a separate module where you store state and operations for your dojo/store
The module will contains an "API' that your widgets can access.
Below a very simple example using the single tone pattern.
define([], function () {
'use strict';
var _instance;
function _StoreManager() {
_StoreManager.prototype = {
_privateMember: null,
getDataFromApi: function () {
saveDataToApi: function (data) {
return function _getSingleton() {
// summary:
// Gets singleton object.
return (_instance = (_instance || new _StoreManager()));
Require the module and use it.