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Download previous versions of Titanium SDK

I recently had to format my Mac and lost all my Ti sdks. After Reinstalling Appcelerator Studio I currently have only Ti SDK 5.2.0.GA available which is causing my app to crash on devices having Android Marshmallow which didn't happen on 5.0.0.GA or below. Is there anyway I can install the previous version of Titanium SDK's and use it.


  • The easiest way, via CLI (command line interface).

    Get the SDK titanium list

    appc ti sdk list

    Install titanium SDK

    appc ti sdk install [<version>] [--default] [--force] [--branch <branch name>]
    ex : appc ti sdk install 9.2.1.GA

    Available SDK with appc

    enter image description here

    Appc info here