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How to add custom header with sip REGISTER request

Yesterday I took the latest linphone code and successfully compiled it for Android. I am able to register successfully and i am able to make calls.

Now I am trying to use our server with some custom header. I was trying to find a way to add custom header in REGISTER request. But failed.

I have done this in iPhone using "linphone_proxy_config_get_custom_header" directly.

But in Android, the method itself not available in Also "addCustomHeader" in "" file.

But I can see other implementation like; 1. Java_org_linphone_core_LinphoneInfoMessageImpl_addHeader
2. Java_org_linphone_core_LinphoneCallParamsImpl_addCustomHeader
3. Java_org_linphone_core_LinphoneCallParamsImpl_addCustomSdpAttribute
4. Java_org_linphone_core_LinphoneCallParamsImpl_addCustomSdpMediaAttribute
5. Java_org_linphone_core_LinphoneEventImpl_addCustomHeader
6. Java_org_linphone_core_LinphoneChatMessageImpl_addCustomHeader

I don't know how to resolved this issue.

Any idea.


  • I have resolved this issue.

    I modified 3 files to fix this issue.

    1. I added the below code in file.

    extern "C" jstring Java_org_linphone_core_LinphoneProxyConfigImpl_getCustomHeader(JNIEnv*  env
                                                                                      ,jobject  thiz
                                                                                      ,jlong ptr, jstring jheader_name) {
        const char *name=env->GetStringUTFChars(jheader_name,NULL);
        const char *value=linphone_proxy_config_get_custom_header((LinphoneProxyConfig*)ptr,name);
        env->ReleaseStringUTFChars(jheader_name, name);
        return value ? env->NewStringUTF(value) : NULL;
    extern "C" void Java_org_linphone_core_LinphoneProxyConfigImpl_addCustomHeader(JNIEnv*  env
                                                                                   ,jobject  thiz
                                                                                   ,jlong ptr, jstring jheader_name, jstring jheader_value) {
        const char *name=env->GetStringUTFChars(jheader_name,NULL);
        const char *value=env->GetStringUTFChars(jheader_value,NULL);
        env->ReleaseStringUTFChars(jheader_name, name);
        env->ReleaseStringUTFChars(jheader_value, value);

    2. Then added below code in file:

        private native void addCustomHeader(long nativePtr, String key,String value);
        public void addCustomHeader(String key,String value) {
            addCustomHeader(nativePtr, key, value);
        private native String getCustomHeader(long nativePtr, String key);
        public String getCustomHeader(String key) {
            return getCustomHeader(nativePtr, key);

    3. Then, added below code in LinphoneProxyConfig file.

    void addCustomHeader(String key,String value);
    String getCustomHeader(String key);

    In my code, I am adding the x-header as below:

    LinphoneProxyConfig proxyConfig = linphoneCore.createProxyConfig(----);
    proxyConfig.addCustomHeader("X-Test1", "testing");
    proxyConfig.addCustomHeader("X-Test2", "2nd test");


    There is a method called setCustomHeader in latest linphone source.

    proxyConfig.setCustomHeader("X-Test1", "testing");
    proxyConfig.setCustomHeader("X-Test2", "2nd test");