I'm trying to calculate distance of cannon shot using velocity and angle. I'm testing results using utility tests. The formula for range should be someting like v^2 * sin2a aka velocity squared * sin2alpha . As far as i know, sin2a is supposed to be 2*sina*cosa, but i may be wrong.
Anyway, whatever i do, i get wrong results, because it doesn't seem to be calculating sin.
Here's the code
public int CalculateDistance(int angle, int velocity)
int distance = 0;
double radian_angle = (Math.PI / 180) * angle;
distance_of_shot = (Math.Pow(velocity, 2)) * (2 * Math.Sin(radian_angle) * Math.Cos(radian_angle));
distance = (int)distance_of_shot;
return distance;
public void Calculations()
Canon new_canon = new Canon();
var data = new_canon.CalculateDistance(45, 450);
Assert.AreEqual(20682, data);
The results is suppose to be 20682, but i get 202500, which is exactly a number of squared 450...whichs points to sin not being calculated.
Any help is appreciated!
Thank you!
Check your units, you need to divide by the value of "g" because velocity is m/s and your "distance of shot" is in m^2/s^2.
distance_of_shot = (Math.Pow(velocity, 2)) * (2 * Math.Sin(radian_angle) * Math.Cos(radian_angle))/9.81;