In Haskell, there are the mod
and rem
functions. Are there similar functions in Idris, particularly defined over Nat
In Prelude.Nat
there are
modNatNZ : Nat -> (y : Nat) -> Not (y = 0) -> Nat
modNat : Nat -> Nat -> Nat
The first one needs a proof that the divisor is not zero, while the second is partial (i. e. can crash during runtime). Practically there is also a proof,
SIsNotZ : {x: Nat} -> Not (S x = Z)
that a successor cannot be zero. So you can just use modNatNZ 10 3 SIsNotZ
and the unification system will proof Not (3 = 0)
. You can see how modNatNZ
works here. As Nat
is always positive, a remainder function would behave the same.
Otherwise, a generic
mod : Integral ty => ty -> ty -> ty
is defined for all types implementing Integral (e.g. Int).