I'm having trouble with CDI conditional injection to use a kind of Strategy in EJB's injections.
My actual scenario is that:
public class someManagedBean {
@MyOwnQualifier(condition = someBean.getSomeCondition()) // not work because someBean is not already injected at this point
private BeanInterface myEJB;
SomeBean someBean;
@Target({ElementType.FIELD, ElementType.METHOD})
public @interface MyOwnQualifier {
SomeCondition condition();
public class BeanInterfaceFactory {
@MyOwnQualifier(condition = RoleCondition.ADMIN)
public BeanInterface getBeanInterfaceEJBImpl() {
return new BeanInterfaceEJBImpl();
public enum RoleCondition {
Ok, scenario explained. Now the problem is that I need to get the value
from someBean.getSomeCondition()
that returns a RoleCondition
, necessary for my @MyOwnQualifier
But at this time someBean is not already injected by CDI.
How I can make this line to work?
@MyOwnQualifier(condition = someBean.getSomeCondition()) // not work because some is not already injected at this point
private BeanInterface myEJB;
How is the right way to dynamically inject beans using qualifiers based on another injection's property value?
Try this...
public class someManagedBean {
private BeanInterface myEJB;
@Target({ElementType.FIELD, ElementType.METHOD})
public @interface MyOwnQualifier {
SomeCondition condition();
public class BeanInterfaceFactory {
SomeBean someBean
public BeanInterface getBeanInterfaceEJBImpl() {
if(someBean.getCondition()) {
return new BeanInterfaceEJBImpl();
} else {
public enum RoleCondition {