I have a customized Android seekbar like this, and the positions where it can move to. And it starts from the middle:
I want to move the slider first and then check if it's saved. I have a method which I use TouchAction:
public void moveSeekBar(){
WebElement seekBar = appiumDriver.findElementById("com.feverapp:id/SymptomTrackingActivity_var");
//Get start point of seekbar.
int startX = seekBar.getLocation().getX();
//Get end point of seekbar.
int endX = seekBar.getSize().getWidth();
//Get vertical location of seekbar.
int yAxis = seekBar.getLocation().getY();
//Set slidebar move to position.
// this number is calculated based on (offset + 3/4width)
int moveToXDirectionAt = 786;
System.out.println("Moving seek bar at " + moveToXDirectionAt+" In X direction.");
//Moving seekbar using TouchAction class.
TouchAction act=new TouchAction(appiumDriver);
Something I notice that:
I tried with sendkeys like this:
and it worked: it moved the slider to the very left, and it only worked with 0.5, when I entered a number within the range from 0 to 1, it didn't work
Any help much appreciated. Thanks
I just solved my problem: instead of using press(), I try longpress() and it works like a charm! I can move seekbar where I want.