I have problem with awesomium web control 1.7.4 in WPF , when the user click links in page , awesomium navigate to targetURL , but i want to open that links in system default browser.
also I want to determine mailto:jondue@example.com to open this links in default Email client.
Please help me.
Update :
I've been doing some more searching to solve my problem, after few days I founded that when the link has a target=_blank
the event ShowCreatedWebView
is fired. The main problem was about links without target=_blank
. After that I'm able to find links without that cause firing event RequestBringIntoView
private void Browser_ShowCreatedWebView(object sender, Awesomium.Core.ShowCreatedWebViewEventArgs e)
private void Browser_RequestBringIntoView(object sender, RequestBringIntoViewEventArgs e)
if (Browser.TargetURL != new Uri("about:blank"))
e.Handled = true;
I've been doing some more searching to solve my problem, after few days I founded that when the link has a target=_blank the event ShowCreatedWebView is fired. The main problem was about links without target=_blank. After that I'm able to find links without that cause firing event RequestBringIntoView.
private void Browser_ShowCreatedWebView(object sender, Awesomium.Core.ShowCreatedWebViewEventArgs e)
private void Browser_RequestBringIntoView(object sender, RequestBringIntoViewEventArgs e)
if (Browser.TargetURL != new Uri("about:blank"))
e.Handled = true;