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Retrieving temporary code from Add to Slack button

I'm stalled midway through the Slack oauth process and could use some help. I have the Add to Slack button added to my website, and the next step according to the documentation is to retrieve a temporary code:

If the user authorizes your app, Slack will redirect back to your specified redirect_uri with a temporary code in a code GET parameter

This code is need for the call to oauth.access, which will return the token I need. The Add to Slack button works as intended and sends me to a URL containing the code, but I can't figure out how to programmatically retrieve it using Python 3.5. I've been experimenting with the urllib library ( as well as the requests library.

The root of my problem is that I need to retrieve a code from an unknown URL. Here's a link to the documentation I'm reading:

Any help or guidance is much appreciated!


  • From the Slack Documentation:

    Step 2 - Token Issuing
    If the user authorizes your app, Slack will redirect back to your specified redirect_uri with a temporary code in a code GET parameter

    Once you have authorized your app in the OAuth consent screen, Slack redirects you to the redirect_uri you passed to it in Step 1 or the one you set in the App configuration page.

    On the server-side you will then need to read the code GET parameter to complete the OAuth Flow.

    Here is a gist, which shows how to do basic Slack OAuth with Django:

    Line 27 onwards shows how you can implement the redirect_uri endpoint and finish the OAuth Flow.