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Maven, relative path to local directory

I want to copy files in ".jenkins" or in "Temp" direcotry.


This is how my pom.xml looks like for now. It is working for me on my local machine, but it won't work for another user.

This is what I want:

<outputDirectory> relative path to Temp </outPutDirectory>

Question: How can I ensure that the file is always copied in "temp" or in ".jenkins" folder? Is there any variable for that?


  • In Maven you can use Java properties as Maven properties for a build.

    Maven exposes all properties from java.lang.System. Anything you can retrieve from System.getProperty() you can reference in a Maven property

    So, in your case you could have the following:


    And the output directory will point to the user temporary directory based on the host OS. For instance, in Windows 7 it would be


    For a full list of Java properties, check official documentation, from which: Default temp file path

    You may also be interested in the user.home

    user.home: User's home directory

    So you probably wanted to point to ${user.home}\.jenkins.