I have a collection called "Products". I want to access and change an attribute called "screenShots" inside the collection.
This code didn't work with me
screenshotsURLS: function(sshots) {
check(sshots, [String]);
when i console.log the sshots, i can see that the array exists, but the update function isn't working
how do i set the screenShots attribute inside the Product collection to whatever value passed in "screenshotsURLS" function?
For that you have to update the mongodb document.
THis is how you can update the doc in meteor.
upsert: <boolean>,
multi: <boolean>,
writeConcern: <document>
In your your case collectionName is Products and field is screenShots. So for doing this. Your query will be sshots
Products.update({},{$set:{screenShots:sshots}}) (Be careful this will update all of your doc)
For selecting doc update use the query like.
For more about update a please check this link.