I have written this scala code using Phantom DSL to query cassandra
def getByGenreAndYear(genre: List[String], year: Int) : Future[Seq[Movie]] = {
var criteria = select.where(_.genre contains genre.head)
criteria = genre.tail.foldLeft(criteria){(accum, i) => accum.and(_.genre contains i)}
criteria.and(_.year eqs year)
It works but I have a few questions
When querying whether a set contains values. is it right to build the query criteria like I have done? basically I have a AND clause for every value for which we want to check. Could this have been done in a single shot like
select.where(_.genre contains genreList)
I am not able to generate the sort query. when I try to do
def getByGenreAndYear(genre: List[String], year: Int) : Future[Seq[Movie]] = {
var criteria = select.where(_.genre contains genre.head)
criteria = genre.tail.foldLeft(criteria){(accum, i) => accum.and(_.genre contains i)}
criteria.and(_.year eqs year)
criteria.orderBy(_.year desc)
The code desn't even compile
Contains queries
You cannot do contains
queries on multiple values at the same time. You have several ways of achieving the above. The first is to use filtering and build a query.
def getByGenreAndYear(genre: List[String], year: Int): Future[Seq[Movie]] = {
val rootQuery = select.where(_.genre contains genre.head)
genre.tail.foldLeft(rootQuery){ (accum, i) => accum.and(_.genre contains i)}
.and(_.year eqs year)
.orderBy(_.year desc)
This is what you are doing here except the phantom query builder is immutable, every single operation you do will create a new Query
instance. There is a very good reason for that.
The other way is to to sequence futures and not filter in Cassandra, which is not always very advisable.
def getByGenreAndYear(genre: List[String], year: Int): Future[Seq[Movie]] = {
// This will create a future to query for a single value.
val futures = genre.map(item => select.where(_.year eqs year).and(_.genre contains item).fetch())
// This will sequence the entire set, produce a list of lists, flatten it and create an union, and deduplicate by set conversion granted you define the right `hashCode` method on the `Movie` class.
Future.sequence(futures) map {
// You could also probably get away with lists.flatten
lists => lists.foldRight(Nil)((item, acc) => item ::: acc)).toSet
At this point in time doing a CONTAINS
query is not possible against multiple values in a single query. You get an error:
select * from marvis.expenses where tags contains ('food', 'office-food');
InvalidRequest: code=2200 [Invalid query] message="Invalid tuple type literal for value(tags) of type text"
This however works:
select * from marvis.expenses where tags contains 'food' and tags contains 'office-food' ALLOW FILTERING;
To achieve sorting, you need a Compound or Composite key, and you can only sort by the clustering key
part of the column, not the Partition key part. Have a look at this tutorial for more details on Cassandra indexing if need be.