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How to test JDBI DAO's with H2-in-memory database?

I'm using Dropwizard framework with JDBI and h2-in-memory for my test purposes. Also I've written my DAOs, and now I want to test them with unit tests. I came along the DBUnit which seem to fit my requirements.

But how to integrate it with JDBI and fill it with test data?


  • I implemented it like this:

    I created a base dao class that sets up my DW environment to build a DBI instance for me. This looks like that:

        public static void setup() {
            env = new Environment( "test-env", Jackson.newObjectMapper(), null, new MetricRegistry(), null );
            dbi = new DBIFactory().build( env, getDataSourceFactory(), "test" );
            dbi.registerArgumentFactory(new JodaDateTimeArgumentFactory());
            dbi.registerMapper(new JodaDateTimeMapper(Optional.absent()));
        static DataSourceFactory getDataSourceFactory()
            DataSourceFactory dataSourceFactory = new DataSourceFactory();
            dataSourceFactory.setDriverClass( "org.h2.Driver" );
            dataSourceFactory.setUrl( "jdbc:h2:mem:testDb" );
            dataSourceFactory.setUser( "sa" );
            dataSourceFactory.setPassword( "" );
            return dataSourceFactory;
        public static DBI getDbi() {
            return dbi;
        public static Environment getEnvironment() {
            return env;

    Not this will create a Datasource for you pointing to your in-memory database.

    No in the actual test you can use the DBI instance to create your DAOs before the test:

    DaoA dao;
    DaoB otherDao;
    public void setupTests() throws IOException {
        dao = dbi.onDemand(DaoA.class);
        otherDao = dbi.onDemand(DaoB.class);

    With this your good to go and you can start testing. Hope that helps.


    Edit for init:

    My tests initialise themselves as well. For that I use dbi directly to execute sql scripts. For example, a test is associated with a test1.sql script that is a test classpath resource. In that case, all I need to do is read that script and run it before the test. For example like this:

                StringWriter writer = new StringWriter();
                InputStream resourceStream = this.getClass().getResourceAsStream("/sql/schema.sql");
                if(resourceStream == null ) {
                    throw new FileNotFoundException("schema not found");
                IOUtils.copy(resourceStream, writer);
                Handle handle = null;
                try {
                    handle =;
                } finally {
                    if(resourceStream != null) {