When defining a hierarchy you can specify the Fact Aggr. Type
as "Member and Ancestors" or "Member only".
In my understanding "Member and Ancestors" looks like a double count (or a triple count if the hierarchy has three levels).
As this is the default, my understanding is probably wrong. Do you have an small example of both cases?
Country City Qty
Swiss Geneva 2
Swiss Lausanne 3
France Lyon 4
France Ferney 5
Values are not counted several times:
Member and Ancestors (the default) : a member aggregates the facts defined for himself and his descendants.
Member only: a member aggregates the facts defined for himself only.
Let's do an example, for a dimension
2013 Q1
2013 Q2
2013 Q2
and for facts that bind all levels of the date dimension :
date value
2013 3 'not common but it was make the difference
2013 Q1 1
2013 Q2 2
2013 Q3 2
The value for ( [2013],[Value] ) will be
Member and Ancestors: 8 (3+1+2+2)
Member only: 3 (we ignore the children)
This is handy is a hierarchy does not aggregate his children. You can see this as a 'fake' hierarchy