I can't figure out why my orderBy
filter isn't working at all, I've looked at every freaking solution out there and all point to the fact that the ng-repeat
is operating on an object of objects instead of array of objects. But mine is an array of objects as seen here:
[Object, Object, Object]
0: Object
$$hashKey: "object:19"
dataLink: ""
id: "633"
name: "My first graph"
order: 1
parentTarget: ""
presenceLink: ""
size: 12
span: 1
subType: 1
type: 1
__proto__: Object
1: Object
$$hashKey: "object:20"
dataLink: ""
id: "634"
name: "My second graph"
order: 2
parentTarget: ""
presenceLink: ""
size: 6
span: 1
subType: 1
type: 3
__proto__: Object
2: Object
$$hashKey: "object:21"
dataLink: ""
id: "635"
name: "My third graph but in front"
order: 1
parentTarget: ""
presenceLink: ""
size: 12
span: 0
subType: 1
type: 1
__proto__: Object
So how come this isn't working:
<ul class="row graphs-list">
<li class="col-xs-12 col-sm-6 col-md-{{graph.size}} graphs-item" ng-repeat="graph in ds.graphs | orderBy:'graph.order'">
<h5 class="graph-name" ng-bind="graph.name"></h5>
<am-menu host="graph" options="graphs"></am-menu>
<nvd3 options="gv.options[gv.getTypeFromId(graph.type)]" data="gv.data[gv.getTypeFromId(graph.type)]"></nvd3>
Any ideas?
Angular's orderBy
already looks inside the current object for the specified key as you can see here, so you just have to give the key like so:
<li class="col-xs-12 col-sm-6 col-md-{{graph.size}} p-x-md p-y-sm bg-light graphs-item" ng-repeat="graph in ds.graphs | orderBy:'order'">