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Display sub-property in table tag (Spring Roo supplied tag library)

I am using Spring Roo. There is table:table and table:column tags.

How to display sub-property of colections elements in table?

In straightforward way it doesnt work:

<table:table data="${knowledgebase.concepts}" id="l_domain_Concept" path="/concepts" z="user-managed">
  <table:column id="c_domain_Concept_translations" property=""  z="user-managed" />


Caused by: javax.el.PropertyNotFoundException: Property '' not found on type


  • I modified table.tagx so it could be used with sub-properties and Spring converting capabilities.

    <c:forTokens items="${columnProperties}" delims="," var="column" varStatus="num">
    <c:set var="prop" value="${ item }" />
        <c:forTokens items="${column}" delims="." var="subprop">
            <c:set var="prop" value="${ prop[subprop]}" />
    <c:set var="columnMaxLength" value="${lengths[num.count - 1]}" scope="request"/>
             <c:when test="${not convert}">
                 <c:out value="${columnMaxLength lt 0 ? prop : fn:substring(prop, 0, columnMaxLength)}" />
                 <spring:eval expression="prop" />