This is a modified problem from Numerical Computing-Kincaid's book, chapter 15. (not physics)
How can I properly implement the boundary conditions? The conditions are
u(0,y,t) = u(x,0,t) = u(nx,y,t) = u(x,ny,t) = 0.
I am not doing it correctly, it seems. My code is below.
I am trying to write a Fortran code to solve the 2D heat (parabolic) equation using Finite Differences. When I print out my results, I get divergent results and 'NaN'. It seems I am not defining the boundary conditions correctly. I properly did the code in 1 dimension, trying to generalize it in two I have troubles at the boundary.
Note, i,j
are for the x and y position do loops respectively, m is for time do loop. nx,ny,W
are the number of grid points in x , y direction and time respectively. Lx,Ly
and tmax
are the size of the position and time intervals for the mesh. The position(x,y) steps and time steps are given by hx,hy,k
respectively, and hx
and hy
are equal for the example below. I store my solutions in the variables u and v as shown below.
program parabolic2D
implicit none
integer :: i,j,m
integer, parameter :: nx=10., ny=10., W=21.
real, parameter :: Lx=1.0, Ly=1.0, tmax=0.1
real :: hx,hy,k,pi,pi2,R,t
real, dimension (0:nx,0:ny) :: u,v
u(0,0)=0.0; v(0,0)=0.0; u(nx,ny)=0.0; v(nx,ny)=0.0 !boundary conditions u(0,0,t)=0=u(nx,ny,t)
do i=1,nx-1
do j=1,ny-1
u(i,j)=sin(pi*real(i)*hx)*sin(pi*real(j)*hy) !initial condition
end do
end do
do m=1,W
do i=1,nx-1
do j=1,ny-1
v(i,j) = R*(u(i+1,j)+u(i-1,j)+u(i,j+1)+u(i,j-1))+(1-4*R)*u(i,j) !Discretization for u(x,y,t+k)
end do
end do
t = real(m)*k ! t refers to time in the problem.
do i=1,nx-1
do j=1,ny-1
u(i,j)=v(i,j) !redefining variables.
end do
end do
write(*,*) 'for all times m, this prints out u(x,y,t)',m,((u(i,j),i=0,nx),j=0,ny)
end do
end program parabolic2D
As Ross points out, you haven't fully specified the boundary conditions for the edges i=j=0
and i=nx
and j=nx
. Only the corners of your domain have bee specified.
u(0,0)=0.0; v(0,0)=0.0; u(nx,ny)=0.0; v(nx,ny)=0.0 !boundary conditions u(0,0,t)=0=u(nx,ny,t)
or even
The interior points are overwritten later.