I have written a container component using redux and my implementation for mapDispatchToProps
looks like this
const mapDispatchToProps = (dispatch, ownProps) => {
return {
onChange: (newValue) => {
dispatch(updateAttributeSelection('genre', newValue));
dispatch(getTableData(newValue, ownProps.currentYear));
The problem is that in order to getTableData I need the state of some other components. How can I get access to the state object in this method?
You can use redux-thunk to create a separate action creator function which has access to getState
, rather than defining the function inside mapDispatchToProps
function doTableActions(newValue, currentYear) {
return (dispatch, getState) => {
dispatch(updateAttributeSelection('genre', newValue));
let state = getState();
// do some logic based on state, and then:
dispatch(getTableData(newValue, currentYear));
let mapDispatchToProps = (dispatch, ownProps) => {
return {
onChange : (newValue) => {
dispatch(doTableActions(newValue, ownProps.currentYear))
Some varying ways to go about organizing those, but something like that ought to work.