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tvOS UITabBarController doesn't show TabBarItems of Storyboard Reference

  1. UITabBarController with Storyboard-Reference to the initialViewController of Hello.storyboard as a tabBarItem(Relationship Segue) in Main.storyboard. Main.storyboard
  2. Inside Hello.storyboard, I have a plain ViewController which I changed the background color. Hello.storyboard
  3. TabBarItem does not show up in TabBar. (This is Simulator screen capture) Simulator

Anyone knows how to fix this, so I can see the tabBarItem named "item" ?

Xcode7.3 beta (7D152p) OSX 10.11.3


  • Solved by myself. I just needed to add TabBarItem to ViewController in ViewController.storyboard, not Main.storyboard.