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Android - Having problems managing server endpoints in app client

I have following server Urls:


I am currently using a properties file to store the URLs. When I need to consume some of the server URLs, then I read the properties file and perform the http request using Spring 4 Android

I know that should be another way (and a better way) to do this. What is the best practice to achieve this?


  • Another Option is to use Plain Java:

    public class ServerInfo {
         private static final String URL_BASE_DEBUG = "your base debug url";
         private static final String URL_BASE_RELEASE = "your base release url";
         public static String getBaseUrl() {
              //change if debug' release or whichever flavor
              return URL_BASE_DEBUG;

    It's pretty straight forward...You can have all the information needed in a single Java Class

    Now regarding the network comm It's really up to you...There are many choices...I personally like Retrofit 2 which is a wrapper on top of a networking library okhttp

    A short example of how you can use Retrofit with the above method is:

    Rest Api (like User Rest api)

    public interface SomeRestApiEndPoints {
        Call<ReturnValue> method1(params);
        Call<ReturnObject> method2(params);

    The Rest Client

    public class RestClient {
       private static RestClient sRestClient;
       private Retrofit mRetrofit;
       private SomeRestApiEndPoints apiEndpoint;
       public static RestClient getRestClient () {
            if(sRestClient != null){
                return sRestClient;
            synchronized (RestClient.class) {
                if(sRestClient == null) {
                //gson example
                Gson gson = new GsonBuilder().setFieldNamingPolicy(FieldNamingPolicy.LOWER_CASE_WITH_UNDERSCORES).create();
                RestClient client = new RestClient();
                client.mRetrofit = new Retrofit.Builder()
                        .baseUrl(ServerInfo.getBaseUrl()) //This is where you bind the base Url
                client.apiEndpoint = client.mRetrofit.create(SomeRestApiEndPoints.class);
                sRestClient = client;
            return sRestClient;
        public SomeRestApiEndPoints getApi() {
            return apiEndpoints;

    Usage Example

    Call<ReturnValue> call = RestClient.getRestClient().getApi().method1(params);