Having the following query, I desire to show only "Jorge Glas"
prefix dbp: <http://dbpedia.org/property/>
prefix dbpedia:<http://dbpedia.org/resource/>
prefix dbpedia-owl:<http://dbpedia.org/ontology/>
SELECT str(?leader) as ?label
dbpedia:Ecuador dbpedia-owl:leader ?leader
There are a couple of ways to approach this. One is to use SPARQL REPLACE to get the string you want:
REPLACE(?leader, "^.*/", "")
That gets you "Jorge_Glas", then you can do the same to replace the underscore with a space:
REPLACE(?x, "_", " ")
However, this is not how you should use DBPedia resources. Most DBPedia resources have an rdfs:label that will give you the desired name result in multiple languages. So a first step is to find out what DBPedia has on these resources through an exploratory query:
SELECT (str(?leader) as ?label) ?p ?o
dbpedia:Ecuador dbpedia-owl:leader ?leader .
?leader ?p ?o
You'll find that the matches for ?leader have rdfs:label properties in multiple languages. To get the English label, use the following:
SELECT ?leaderName
dbpedia:Ecuador dbpedia-owl:leader ?leader .
?leader rdfs:label ?leaderName .
FILTER (lang(?leaderName) = "en")