I have a pandas Dataframe, that I have put into sql with the below code.
df = pandas.read_csv(io.StringIO(r))
pandas.DataFrame.to_sql(df, name='Database count details', con=engine)
Sample data
UNIQUE id name refreshed_at values
2449205 ABC 2014-01-10 22
26019260 DEF 2016-03-04 51
26019261 GHI (1333) 2016-03-04 0.55
My intentions are to run a code once a week and to replace the data in the .db
file with that week's data if the unique id
matches. If it doesn't match, it will append to the .db
How should I do this? Or is there a better way to perform this task?
There doesn't seem to be a feature to get through this easily. Currently, I just drop the entire table, and recreate a new one..
meta = MetaData()
table_to_drop = Table('Database count details',
meta, autoload=True, autoload_with=engine)