Would it be possible to fake the return address at, ebp + 4.
I'm currently writing a DLL that you would inject into a game, in which it would call game functions to do things, but the functions I call check the return address against the program itself, and if its outside their base it detects it.
So basically is there any way to fake the return address in any way?
It works like this:
if ( (_BYTE *)retaddr - (_BYTE *)unusedPadding >= (unsigned int)&byte_A6132A )
dword_11E59F8 |= 0x200000u;
dword_162D06C = 0;
result = (void (*)())sub_51FEE0(dword_11E59FC, v5, (_BYTE *)retaddr - (_BYTE *)unusedPadding, ebx0, edi0, a1);
Better way:
push returnshere
push your_second_argument
push your_first_argument
push address_of_fragment_in_exe
jmp function_you_want_to_call
; more code
Where address_of_ret_in_exe is the address of this fragment:
add esp, 8 ;4 * number of arguments pushed
This has the advantage of not editing the game binary. I've seen more than one game that checksummed itself so if you edited it, even in slack space, you're in trouble. If they went through so much trouble as to verify calls come from the game binary, than they likely have defenses against the game binary from being edited. Just be glad they don't trace the call graph.