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Can I set up template inheritance inside a template? (Template Toolkit)

I have to display different medical forms according to which state the user is in. There is also a default form that many of the states share. These medical forms are all written in Template Toolkit and they are included in larger templates. The state is available as a variable in a normalized form.

I need to select the state-specific template, if it exists, otherwise fall back to the default. How would I best go about doing this?

INCLUDE_PATH is already being used to control switching between site styles.


  • Something like this should do the job:

    This is a main template [% GET state %]
    [% SET iname = state _ ".tt" %]
    [% TRY %]
    [% INCLUDE "$iname" %]
    [% CATCH %]
    [% INCLUDE %]
    [% END %]
    End of main template

    This is default template

    This is template for state s1.

    #! /usr/bin/perl
    use 5.006;
    use strict;
    use warnings;
    use Template;
    my $tt = Template->new();
    $tt->process("", { state => "s1" })
      || die $tt->error, "\n";
    print "---------\n";
    $tt->process("", { state => "unknown" })
      || die $tt->error, "\n";

    When running

    This is a main template s1
    This is template for state s1.
    End of main template
    This is a main template unknown
    This is default template
    End of main template