Hello I have to achieve feature stereo matching for egomotion estimation. From Paper "Multispectral Stereo Odometry " : "The feature in the right image that maximizes the similarity function for a given feature in the left image is selected as a potential match. A threshold is then applied to keep only strong matches. As stated above, the algorithm is fed with four images: previous left (imLt−1), previous right (imRt−1), current left (imLt), and current right (imRt). The matching is carried out in a loop fashion [14] to keep only features that find their correspondences across all four images. Fig. 4 illustrates the different steps. We first start by finding stereo matches between (imLt−1) and (imRt−1) (I). Then, sequential matches are found between (imRt−1) and (imRt) (II). Another stereo matching is performed between (imLt) and (imRt) (III). Finally, a last sequential matching is performed between (imLt−1) and (imLt) (IV). At this stage, if the starting and ending feature points are identical, then the match is accepted. Otherwise, it is simply rejected. This process is carried out for all the features extracted in the first image (imLt−1)."
My question is : what does it means for "identical" when it refers to the first and last feature? What does it means "a threshold is then applied"?
This is what I understood from the extract you posted:
EDIT: Could you add the title of the paper please?