have created a Site Rule in SEO URL for example icommute.abc.org and it is using the espace iCommute. I want to access the application using the SEO URL. When I try https://icommute.abc.org/ it doesnot open my application I even tried https://icommute.abc.org/iCommute or https://icommute.abc.org/iCommute/Login.aspx.
I tried www.icommute.abc.org and www.icommute.abc.org/iCommute. But nothing seems to be working.
Let me what is the mistake i am doing here.
The site rules allow you to place a selected application at the root of an OutSystems server.
You specify the hostname that should be matched in every URL and (whenever you reach the server via
< someprotocol >://< host >/< MyPage.aspx >
the MyPage page of the selected application should be available there.
If that isn't working it could be due to many things:
Let us know.