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What if domain event failed?

I am new to DDD. Now I was looking at the domain event. I am not sure if I understand this domain event correctly, but I am just thinking what will happen if domain event published failed?

I have a case here. When a buyer order something from my website, firstly we will create a object, Order with line of items. The domain event, OrderWasMade, will be published to deduct the stock in Inventory. So here is the case, what if when the event was handled, the item quantity will be deducted, but what if when the system try to deduct the stock, it found out that there is no stock remaining for the item (amount = 0). So, the item amount can't be deducted but the order had already being committed.

Will this kind of scenario happen?

Sorry to have squeeze in 2 other questions here.

  1. It seems like each event will be in its own transaction scope, which means the system requires to open multiple connection to database at once. So if I am using IIS Server, I must enable DTC, am I correct?

  2. Is there any relationship between domain-events and domain-services?


  • A domain event never fails because it's a notification of things that happened (note the past tense). But the operation which will generate that event might fail and the event won't be generated.

    The scenario you told us shows that you're not really doing DDD, you're doing CRUD using DDD words. Yes, I know you're new to it, don't worry, everybody misunderstood DDD until they got it (but it might take some time and plenty of practice).

    DDD is about identifying the domain model abstraction, which is not code. Code is when you're implementing that abstraction. It's very obvious you haven't done the proper modelling, because the domain expert should tell you what happens if products are out of stock.

    Next, there's no db/acid transactions at this level. Those are an implementation detail. The way DDD works is identifying where the business needs things to be consistent together and that's called an aggregate.

    The order was submitted and this where that use case stops. When you publish the OrderWasMadeevent, another use case (deducting the inventory or whatever) is triggered. This is a different business scenario related but not part of "submit order". If there isn't enough stock then another event is published NotEnoughInventory and another use case will be triggered. We follow the business here and we identify each step that the business does in order to fulfill the order.

    The art of DDD consists in understanding and identifying granular business functionality, the involved aggregates, business behaviour which makes decisions etc and this has nothing to do the database or transactions.

    In DDD the aggregate is the only place where a unit of work needs to be used.

    To answer your questions:

    It seems like each event will be in its own transaction scope, which means the system requires to open multiple connection to database at once. So if I am using IIS Server, I must enable DTC, am I correct?

    No, transactions,events and distributed transactions are different things. IIS is a web server, I think you want to say SqlServer. You're always opening multiple connections to the db in a web app, DTC has nothing to do with it. Actually, the question tells me that you need to read a lot more about DDD and not just Evans' book. To be honest, from a DDD pov it doesn't make much sense what you're asking.. You know one of principles of DD: the db (as in persistence details) doesn't exist.

    Is there any relationship between domain-events and domain-services

    They're both part of the domain but they have different roles:

    • Domain events tell the world that something changed in the domain
    • Domain services encapsulate domain behaviour which doesn't have its own persisted state (like Calculate Tax)

    Usually an application service (which acts as a host for a business use case) will use a domain service to verify constraints or to gather data required to change an aggregate which in turn will generate one or more events. Aggregates are the ones persisted and always, an aggregate is persisted in an atomic manner i.e db transaction / unit of work.