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How to select xml elements by an attribute name containing a colon in PHP (domx)?

Similar to the question here, I am trying to select xml elements by their attribute name, which contains a colon.

I am trying to do this with PHP, and my final goal is, to replace the content of these elements.

My code does not return any result:

$xml = '<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8" ?>
<aff xml:id="af1" value="a">
<aff xml:id="corr1">

$dom = new DOMDocument;
$xpath = new DOMXPath($dom);

$xelems = $xpath->query("/a/aff/@*[name()='xml:id']");

foreach ($xelems as $node) {
    $node->nodeValue = 'New attribute value'; // changes the value of the xml:id attribute.';
   $node->parentNode->nodeValue = 'This does work!'; // changes the value of the element
echo htmlentities($dom->saveHTML());

How can this work with PHP?


  • The input is XML, so use loadXML instead of loadHTML.

    * selects elements. @* selects attributes.


    You might also need to start the expression by // to make it search everywhere, not just under the root node.

    But then, much simpler expression might be used:


    or, with the full path
