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How to rate to difficulty of simple algebra operations

I'm writing a simple app to help my daughter practice basic Algebra (first grade). I would like to assign a score to each response depending on the difficulty of the operation, where 2+2 is worth less than 12-7, for example. Do you know of any existing algorithm I can look up and adapt to my needs?


**EDIT ← **

trying to make the question more specific ;)

given two integers and a basic algebraic operation

algorithm input: int a,b and string operation

algorithm output: float difficulty

→ What are the factors that can help inferring a difficult coefficient?

  • I would surely look at the input numbers, where their distance can be significant in determining the complexity of the operation. 10 + 1 is clearly easier than 7 + 5 because (when not memorized and instantly responded) it takes longer counting time;
  • As an amendment to the previous statement, common/simple arguments should decrease the complexity of the operation: 0 or 10 are a good example;


  • I don't know of any algorithm to find the "difficulty" of an equation but if I had more time, I might try to play around with something like this... Even though it is for reading, the concept might be adaptable to arithmetic.

    Anyway here is a super silly post-midnight crack at something that might work with some tweaking for extremely basic arithmetic. You can tweak the factors/weights but this might get you started. Good luck!

    function get_difficulty (eq) {
        var difficulty = 0;
        var settings = {
            terms_factor : 3, //Multiply by the number of terms in an equation
            digits_factor : 2, //Multiply by the number of digits in each term
            negative_weight : 2, //Add this if subtracting two numbers in the equation yields a negative number
            operations : {
                "+" : 1,
                "-" : 2,
                "*" : 4,
                "/" : 6,
                "=" : 0
        eq += "=";
        var ptr = 0;
        var terms = 0;
        var prev_term = null;
        var len = eq.length;
        var stack = [ ];
        var is_numeric = function (n) {
            return /\d+/.test (n); //Not a brilliant way but works for basic arithmetic
        while (ptr < len) {
            var tok = eq [ptr];
            if (tok !== " " && tok !== "(" && tok !== ")") {
                if (is_numeric (tok)) {
                    stack.push (tok);   
                } else if (tok in settings.operations) {
                    var curr_term = parseInt (stack.join (""));
                    if (prev_term !== null && curr_term > prev_term && ["-", "="].indexOf (tok) !== -1) {
                        difficulty += settings.negative_weight;
                    difficulty += stack.length * settings.digits_factor;
                    prev_term = curr_term;
                    stack = [ ];
                    difficulty += settings.operations [tok];
                } else {
                    console.log ("Unknown token: " + tok);   
        difficulty += terms * settings.terms_factor;
        return difficulty;
    console.log (get_difficulty (" 2 + 2 ")); //11
    console.log (get_difficulty (" 12 - 7 ")); //14
    console.log (get_difficulty (" 7 - 12 ")); //16
    console.log (get_difficulty (" 5 - 5 ")); //12 
    console.log (get_difficulty (" 5 - 1205 ")); //20
    console.log (get_difficulty (" 5 - 1205 * 35 ")); //29
    console.log (get_difficulty (" 5 * 40 ")); //18
    console.log (get_difficulty (" 102 - 5 / 13 + 32 ")); //39
    console.log (get_difficulty (" 100 - 100 ")); //20
    console.log (get_difficulty (" 32 - 12 ")); //16
    console.log (get_difficulty (" 12 - 32 ")); //18