So I'm trying to program a blackjack game in Python by using randomed dice and I was trying to compare the player function to the dealer function, but I don't know how to make one function compared to the other? If you could explain how I could make one local variable in a function equal to another local variable in a different function, that would be much appreciated. The code is for if you just want to see what I'm trying to do, it isn't completed.
import random
def roll_die():
return random.randint(1, 11)
def player():
Implements what happens on player's turn.
Returns total and blackjack, which represents
the player's total score and whether the
player hit Blackjack, respectively.
blackjack = False
total = 0
print('************ YOUR TURN ************')
die1 = random.randint(1,11)
die2 = random.randint(1,11)
if die1 == 11 and die2 == 11:
die1 = 10
initial_roll = print('Roll: ',die1,die2)
initial_total = die1+die2
print('Total: ',initial_total)
stay_or_roll = input('(s)tay or (r)oll? ')
next_total = initial_total
if next_total == 21:
while stay_or_roll == 'r' or next_total > 21:
next_roll = (roll_die())
print('\nRoll: ',next_roll)
next_total = int(next_total+ next_roll)
print('Total: ',next_total)
if next_total > 21:
stay_or_roll = input('(s)tay or (r)oll? ')
if stay_or_roll == 's':
# < Insert the rest of your code here. >
def dealer():
Implements what happens on the dealer's turn.
Returns total which represents the dealer's
total score.
print("\n********** DEALER'S TURN **********")
die1 = random.randint(1,11)
die2 = random.randint(1,11)
if die1 == 11 and die2 == 11:
die1 = 10
initial_roll = print('Roll: ',die1,die2)
initial_total = die1+die2
print('Total: ',initial_total)
stay_or_roll = input('Press <enter to continue ...')
next_total = initial_total
if next_total >=16 or next_total <21:
if next_total == 21:
while stay_or_roll == '' and int(next_total) <= 21:
next_roll = (roll_die())
print('\nRoll: ',next_roll)
next_total = int(next_total+ next_roll)
print('Total: ',next_total)
if next_total > 21:
stay_or_roll = input('Press <enter to continue ...')
def main():
The main driver of the program. Connects the
player() and dealer() functions together to
play Blackjack Dice.
# The user (or player) plays first.
player_total, blackjack = player()
# < Insert the rest of your code here. >
You can't directly share local variables between functions. Your practical options are to return values, set global variables, pass in a mutable object to be modified to include the data, or rewrite to use a class that keeps the values as an attribute.