If I don't use a thread, I can normally use @which_port.text.to_i
in port declaration. If I use a thread, it looks like this statement @which_port.text.to_i
don't work. I can only write port manually, e.g. 6000
and then my program works good. I have to use thread because my program freezes otherwise. Is any way able to use @which_port.text.to_i
despite the use thread?
require 'socket'
require 'thread'
Shoes.app do
def write
@t = TCPSocket.new("xx.xx.xx.xx", @which_port.text.to_i)
loop do
msg = @t.recv(4096)
@pa1.text = @pa1.text + msg
@btn = button("button", width: 80, height: 50) do
window(left: 300, top: 300) do
@pa1 = para ""
@th1 = Thread.new { write }
@e_ln = edit_line(width: 320, height: 25, margin_top: 5)
@which_port = list_box :items => ["5000", "6000", "7000"],
:width => 120,
:choose => "5000" do |list|
Every time you launch a window you are launching a totally new app so variables in that new app are unknown to the other app, and those in the first app, the one that fired the window method are unknown to the new app ! Fortunately there is a owner method available in every Shoes app, in your case owner called inside the new app gives you a reference to the first app, the one that owns the new app ! One way to do what you want (Threading or not):
Shoes.app title: "Main Shoes app" do
def write(paragr)
msg = "#{self.inspect} === #{@which_port.text}"
paragr.text = paragr.text + msg
@btn = button("button", width: 80, height: 50) do
window(left: 300, top: 300, title: "Another Shoes app") do
@pa1 = para ""
Thread.new { owner.write(@pa1) }
@which_port = list_box :items => ["5000", "6000", "7000"],
:width => 120,
:choose => "5000" do |list|
You can also investigate the Shoes.APPS method which gives you back an array containing all opened app.