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Comparing dates in loop, then adding interval?

I've been really stuck on this one for a while. The user will set a custom alarm interval and then pick a date on the picker, and the app is set to display the next alarm. If they set it in the past, I want the app to add the interval by looping until it is in the future.

I've been playing around with the date comparisons but I can't seem to get anything to work. How would you guys accomplish this? Thanks!


  • You can add this extension to check if their date is before a given date:

    extension NSDate
        func isGreaterThanDate(dateToCompare : NSDate) -> Bool
            //Declare Variables
            var isGreater = false
            //Compare Values
            if == NSComparisonResult.OrderedDescending
               isGreater = true
           //Return Result
            return isGreater
        func isLessThanDate(dateToCompare : NSDate) -> Bool
            //Declare Variables
            var isLess = false
           //Compare Values
           if == NSComparisonResult.OrderedAscending
                isLess = true
            //Return Result
            return isLess

    And to use it, just do something like

    let today = NSDate()//this creates a date object with current date
    let isBeforeToday = today.isGreaterThanDate(aDate)//aDate is whatever date they pick from the picker

    And then to add your interval you can do

    today.dateByAddingTimeInterval(customInterval)//customInterval is in seconds

    I'm not sure I know exactly what you want to do, but this should at least get you started with comparing dates and adding intervals to them