How can I create a theano
matrix composed of theano
The following code creates a numpy
array composed of theano
scalars. But I want to have a theano
matrix instead.
C = T.cos
S = T.sin
q = T.fscalar(name="q%d"%self.i)
names = ['x','y','z']
Sx,Sy,Sz = map(lambda name: T.fscalar(name=name),names)
self.mat = np.array([[C(q),-S(q)*C(alpha),S(q)*S(alpha),a*C(q)+Sx],
You can use theano.tensor.stacklists
in much the same way as you would use np.array
to construct a normal numpy array:
import numpy as np
import theano
from theano import tensor as te
a = te.fscalar("a")
b = te.fscalar("b")
M = te.stacklists([[a, b], [b, a]])
f = theano.function([a, b], M)
print(f(1.0, 2.0))
# [[ 1. 2.]
# [ 2. 1.]]
You could achieve the same result by using theano.tensor.stack
or theano.tensor.concatenate
to construct a 1D vector from your scalars, then using its reshape
method to reshape it into a matrix/tensor with your desired dimensions.