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How to change coordinates while converting imagemap to svg?

I want to convert image map to svg as image map does not resize on browser size change. how do i change the coordinates and tags?

<img id="image" src="ch01ch01.png" width="453" height="453" usemap="#map"/>
        <map name="map" id="id_1">
   <area class="notbutton" shape="poly" id=12 coords="172,227,181,224,183,213,189,201,195,193,199,190,199,184,126,93,135,93,123,79,103,96,84,117,68,140,58,162,51,186,48,201,47,214,135,219,130,227,148,227,147,225,151,227,149,223,153,227,153,221,156,225,157,214,160,202,166,190,174,179,176,177,174,174,191,176,192,192,189,189,180,200,174,212,172,224,172,227"
   onmouseover=" Display_img(curr_base_id,'12')" onclick="change_BASE_ID('12',this.className)" onmouseout="Display_base_img()"/>

   <area class="notbutton" shape="poly" id=11 coords="173,229,181,229,184,243,192,256,201,265,201,271,179,309,174,302,125,375,106,361,88,342,71,319,59,295,52,270,48,252,47,243,65,240,61,248,147,234,147,236,150,234,150,238,154,234,154,239,156,235,159,246,165,262,175,275,185,284,195,270,184,259,177,249,174,237,173,229"
   onmouseover=" Display_img(curr_base_id,'11')" onclick="change_BASE_ID('11',this.className)" onmouseout="Display_base_img()"/>


  • The equivalent to your map...

    <img id="imageMaps" src="" usemap="#20Keys" width="604" height="604" alt="Select Key" border="0"/>
      <map id="20Keys" name="20Keys">
        <area shape="circle" alt="Key 1" title="" coords="41,54,31" href="" target="" />
        <area shape="circle" alt="Key 2" title="" coords="41,543,31" href="" target="" />
        <area shape="circle" alt="Key 3" title="" coords="538,543,31" href="" target="" />
        <area shape="circle" alt="Key 4" title="" coords="499,293,31" href="" target="" />
        <area shape="circle" alt="Key 5" title="" coords="484,213,31" href="" target="" />
        <area shape="circle" alt="Key 6" title="" coords="79,293,31" href="" target="" />
        <area shape="circle" alt="Key 7" title="" coords="141,145,31" href="" target="" />
        <area shape="circle" alt="Key 8" title="" coords="483,374,31" href="" target="" />
        <area shape="circle" alt="Key 9" title="" coords="209,99,31" href="" target="" />
        <area shape="circle" alt="Key 10" title="" coords="290,504,31" href="" target="" />
        <area shape="circle" alt="Key 11" title="" coords="289,83,31" href="" target="" />
        <area shape="circle" alt="Key 12" title="" coords="370,99,31" href="" target="" />
        <area shape="circle" alt="Key 13" title="" coords="370,488,31" href="" target="" />
        <area shape="circle" alt="Key 14" title="" coords="95,213,31" href="" target="" />
        <area shape="circle" alt="Key 15" title="" coords="438,442,31" href="" target="" />
        <area shape="circle" alt="Key 16" title="" coords="438,145,31" href="" target="" />
        <area shape="circle" alt="Key 17" title="" coords="95,374,31" href="" target="" />
        <area shape="circle" alt="Key 18" title="" coords="141,442,31" href="" target="" />
        <area shape="circle" alt="Key 19" title="" coords="209,488,31" href="" target="" />
        <area shape="circle" alt="Key 20" title="" coords="538,45,31" href="" target="" />

    in the form of a responsive SVG is the following:

    <svg id="imageMaps" width="100%" height="100%" viewBox="0 0 604 604" pointer-events="fill" fill="none">
      <title>Select Key</title>
      <image xlink:href="" width="604" height="604"/>
      <a xlink:href="" target="">
        <circle cx="41" cy="54" r="31">
      <a xlink:href="" target="">
        <circle cx="41" cy="543" r="31">
      <a xlink:href="" target="">
        <circle cx="538" cy="543" r="31">
      <!-- etc -->

    I've only done the first few map circles.

    The equivalent of

    <area shape="poly" coords="..coord pairs here.."/>

    in SVG is:

    <polygon points="..coord pairs here.."/>