Search code examples

SPARQL Regex does not show what is supposed to show

I am trying to run this query on and on Jena (java) in order to get all datasets with the title "NVA" for example.

select ?f where {

            ?f dc:title  ?s.
            FILTER(REGEX(?s, "NVA", "i")).


However, it shows only this result and not (the one I should get).

But by running this query, I get only the second dataset (4958) and not first

select ?f where {

            ?f dc:title  "NVA"


I was wondering why my filter is not working correctly ? and what should I add to get the datasets with the exact title of my keyword in my regex?



  • FILTER(REGEX(?s, "NVA", "i")).

    The "i" means case insensitive matching. The "NVA" matches any part for the string.

    ?f dc:title "NVA"

    is more like:

    ?f dc:title  ?s.
    FILTER REGEX(?s, "^NVA$")