I'm trying to run a simple example of Xplot from FSI. I've installed all the nuget packages of XPLot and I copied the example in their hello world page.
#r "../packages/Google.DataTable.Net.Wrapper.1.0.0/lib/Google.DataTable.Net.Wrapper.dll"
#r "../packages/Newtonsoft.Json.3.5.8/lib/35/Newtonsoft.Json.dll"
#r "System.Core.dll"
#r "System.dll"
#r "System.Numerics.dll"
#r "../packages/XPlot.GoogleCharts.1.3.1/lib/net45/XPlot.GoogleCharts.dll"
open XPlot.GoogleCharts
let Bolivia = [("2004", 400.0); ("2005", 500.0); ("2006", 900.0); ("2007", 700.0) ]
let Ecuador = [("2004", 500.0); ("2005", 700.0); ("2006", 600.0); ("2007", 900.0) ]
let Madagascar = [("2004", 100.0); ("2005", 200.0); ("2006", 300.0); ("2007", 400.0) ]
let series = [ "bars"; "bars"; "bars"]
let inputs = [ Bolivia; Ecuador; Madagascar ]
let chart =
|> Chart.Combo
|> Chart.WithOptions
(Options(title = "Coffee Production", series =
[| for typ in series -> Series(typ) |]))
|> Chart.WithLabels
["Bolivia"; "Ecuador"; "Madagascar"]
|> Chart.WithLegend true
|> Chart.WithSize (600, 250)
Now, when I try, for example, to get the HTML of the chart... chart.Html
...I'm getting the following error:
> System.TypeLoadException: Could not load type 'Google.DataTable.Net.Wrapper.Extension.SystemDataTableExtension' from assembly 'Google.DataTable.Net.Wrapper, Version=, Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=null'.
at XPlot.GoogleCharts.GoogleChart.get_Js()
at XPlot.GoogleCharts.GoogleChart.get_Html() in C:\Users\AHMED\Documents\GitHub\XPlot\src\XPlot.GoogleCharts\Main.fs:line 282
at <StartupCode$FSI_0006>.$FSI_0006.main@() in C:\Projects\XPlotTest\XPlotTest\Script.fsx:line 18
What I'm doing wrong here? How can I make it work?
Thank you very much,
Try updating Google.DataTable.Net.Wrapper to latest version (3.1.2)
#r "../packages/Google.DataTable.Net.Wrapper.\lib\Google.DataTable.Net.Wrapper.dll"
let html = chart.Html
val html : string =
"<!DOCTYPE html>
<met"+[1535 chars]