I have created a BackgroundTask to run a WebService, however if i run my solution with debugger attached, everything works fine, slowly, but fine. But when i hit start in the appmanager (webinterface) it always says "failed to start package [MYPACKAGEID]". So what am i missing?
Here is the complete project: https://github.com/naice/HomeAutomation.git
public sealed class StartupTask : IBackgroundTask
internal static BackgroundTaskDeferral Deferral = null;
public async void Run(IBackgroundTaskInstance taskInstance)
// TODO: Insert code to perform background work
// If you start any asynchronous methods here, prevent the task
// from closing prematurely by using BackgroundTaskDeferral as
// described in http://aka.ms/backgroundtaskdeferral
Deferral = taskInstance.GetDeferral();
await ThreadPool.RunAsync(async workItem => {
RestWebServer restWebServer = new RestWebServer(80);
// initialize webserver
await restWebServer.StartServerAsync();
catch (Exception ex)
}, WorkItemPriority.High);
The point is that there is no problem with the code or even the manifest, it seems that it's just not meant to run while the device is in "headed" mode, you need to set it as a satrtup headless app and then restart the device.