I've done xml documentation in API project and provided summary of public properties (like in <summary> </summary>
but the issue is that it is not showing documentation of only one property within the class and that too is public.
/// <summary>
/// Tag opertaor has 2 options. AND &OR They both work as simple arithmetic operators. Default value : OR
/// </summary>
public string tagsOperator { set; get; }
/// <summary>
/// Group name is nullable. It is used as a filter.
/// </summary>
public string groupName { get; set; }
here is shows "Group name is nullable. It is used as a filter." written in description of groupname but it is not showing "Tag opertaor has 2 options. AND &OR They both work as simple arithmetic operators. Default value : OR" in description of tagsoperator ... any idea why is it so? am i missing something :(
you have to encode special characters. Your & sign needs to be replaced with
you can find here