I'm running SITK on ipython trying to get a handle on how it works and as part of it i'm trying to open an image by:
But when imageJ opens I get this error: File is not in a supported format, a reader plugin is not available, or it was not found: /tmp/TempFile-142820.nii
I did a quick search and it looks like I need to add the HandleExtraFileTypes plugin, I've looked at Problems with an ImageJ plugin and http://imagej.net/plugins/file-handler.html but I can't figure out how to implement this plugin into imageJ. I can't seem to find a "plugins" folder for imageJ. I'm running all of this on a mac by the way.
Any help would be much appreciated.
After downloading the plugin file, in ImageJ plugin menu, pick install, select the file/folder you downloaded and ImageJ will install it (ImageJ finds the plugin folder for you here). Restart ImageJ and the plugin should work.