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dompdf - set page margin only after first page

I am converting an HTML to pdf file using dompdf. It is working fine. But the problem is that I need to have page margin for all the pages except the first page. The first page should have an image covering the whole page. But now the margin is coming for all pages including the first one.

I am not able to disable margin for the first page. Any help is greatly appreciated. Thanks in advance.

Below is my css

  <style type="text/css">
    body { margin: 0px; }
    @page { margin: 50px; }
    #header { 
      position: fixed; 
      left: 0px; 
      top: -52px;
      height: 50px; 
      border-bottom: 2px solid #797979;
      margin: 0; 
    #footer { 
      position: fixed; 
      left: 0px; 
      bottom: -52px;
      height: 50px; 
      border-top: 2px solid #797979;
      margin: 0; 
    #footer .page:after { content: counter(page); }
    .firstpage { 
      position: absolute;
      page-break-after: always; 
      top: -50px;
      width: 100%;
      margin: 0;
    .otherpages{ margin: 0; }

And here's my html

  <div class="firstpage">
     <img src="pdf-bg.jpg" style="width:100%; height:auto;/>

  <div id="header">
    <p><?php echo date("F j, Y"); ?></p>

  <div id="footer">
    <p class="page">Page <?php $PAGE_NUM ?></p>

  <div class="otherpages">
      some content


  • Try this,

        @page { margin: 50px 0; }
        .firstpage { 
          position: absolute;
          page-break-after: always; 
          top: -50px; // compensating for @page top margin
          width: 100%;
          margin: 0;
        .otherpages{ margin: 0 50px; }