I need to do pivoting in SQL Server 2008 R2. I have an EMP table having employee records and then one Child table where related child records are stored.
Now I want to create one record per employee in output. I'm not sure how to place Child1Name, Child2Name, Child3Name .... Child99Name on column side. Below is sample input and output. TIA.
My Sql server 2012
the code below can run at above 2005
set nocount on
;with EmpTable as (
select *
from (values(1,'John'),(2,'Tim'),(3,'Steve')) as a(ID,Name)
ChildTable as(
select *
from (values(1,1,'Tina'),(2,1,'Mike'),(3,2,'Mona'),(4,3,'Zane'),(5,3,'Diana'),(6,3,'Marry')) as b(ID,EmpID,Name)
sourceData as(
select a.Name,b.EmpID,b.Name as ChildName,row_number() over(partition by EmpID order by B.ID,b.Name) as rn
from EmpTable as a inner join ChildTable as b on a.ID = b.EmpID
select EmpID,Name,[1] as Child1Name,[2] as Child2Name,[3] as Child3Name
from sourceData as a pivot (max(ChildName) for rn in([1],[2],[3]))as b
EmpID Name Child1Name Child2Name Child3Name
----------- ----- ---------- ---------- ----------
1 John Tina Mike NULL
2 Tim Mona NULL NULL
3 Steve Zane Diana Marry
Dynamic pivoting
My Sql server 2012
the code below can run at above 2005
--step 1 :
set nocount on
;with EmpTable as (
select *
from (values(1,'John'),(2,'Tim'),(3,'Steve')) as a(ID,Name)
ChildTable as(
select *
from (values(1,1,'Tina'),(2,1,'Mike'),(3,2,'Mona'),(4,3,'Zane'),(5,3,'Diana'),(6,3,'Marry')) as b(ID,EmpID,Name)
sourceData as(
select a.Name,b.EmpID,b.Name as ChildName,row_number() over(partition by EmpID order by B.ID,b.Name) as rn
from EmpTable as a inner join ChildTable as b on a.ID = b.EmpID
select * into #a
from sourceData
--Step 2:
declare @PivotColumn as varchar(5000),@DisplayColumn as varchar(5000),@Sql as nvarchar(4000)
;with columnData as ( select distinct rn from #a)
select @PivotColumn = isnull(@PivotColumn,'')+quotename(cast(rn as varchar))+',',@DisplayColumn= isnull(@DisplayColumn,'')+quotename(cast(rn as varchar))+' as Child'+cast(rn as varchar)+'Name,'
from columnData
set @PivotColumn = left(@PivotColumn,len(@PivotColumn)-1)
set @DisplayColumn = left(@DisplayColumn,len(@DisplayColumn)-1)
set @Sql = 'select EmpID,Name,'+@DisplayColumn+' from #a as a pivot(max(ChildName) for rn in ('+@PivotColumn+')) as b'
exec sp_executesql @sql
EmpID Name Child1Name Child2Name Child3Name
----------- ----- ---------- ---------- ----------
1 John Tina Mike NULL
2 Tim Mona NULL NULL
3 Steve Zane Diana Marry