I'm updating app to android targetSdk = 23 and now working on permission requests. Do I need to get some some of dangerous permission for the snappyDB library (it uses kryo library inside)? I mean exactly this permissions:
Thank you!
The permission requirements depend on your implementation. By default SnappyDB uses the internal storage provided from the context. If you need to write to the external storage, you will need those permissions.
Check the DBFactory.java class in the source code. https://github.com/nhachicha/SnappyDB/blob/master/library%2Fsrc%2Fmain%2Fjava%2Fcom%2Fsnappydb%2FDBFactory.java
No permissions call
public static DB open(Context ctx, Kryo... kryo) throws SnappydbException {
return open(ctx, DEFAULT_DBNAME, kryo);
Require Permission - if you write to an external folder
public static DB open(String folder, String dbName, Kryo... kryo) throws SnappydbException {
String dbFilePath = folder + File.separator + dbName;
return new DBImpl(dbFilePath, kryo);