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Copying a Binary Tree in Java using a preorder traversal

I am trying to copy a binary tree using the pre order traversal but I am stuck. As I am not putting any of the values into a new tree they are obviously not copying correctly...

public class Node{

int key;
String name;

Node leftChild;
Node rightChild;

Node(int key, String name){
    this.key = key; = name;


public class BinaryTree{

public Node root;

public void copyTree(Node focusNode){

    if(focusNode != null){

        Node copyNode = new Node(focusNode.key,;





  • Here's one solution. I added a toString() method to the Node class for presentation purposes.

    class Node {
        int key;
        String name;
        Node leftChild;
        Node rightChild;
        Node(int key, String name) {
            this.key = key;
   = name;
        public String toString() {
            return "[" + key + "," + name + "]";

    The BinaryTree was slightly modified as well:

    class BinaryTree {
        public Node root;
        public BinaryTree copyTree(Node focusNode) {
            BinaryTree bt = new BinaryTree();
            bt.root = preOrderCopy(focusNode);
            return bt;
        public static void preOrderPrint(BinaryTree t) {
        public static void preOrderPrint(Node n) {
            if (n == null) {
                // base case
        private Node preOrderCopy(Node focusNode) {
            if (focusNode == null) {
                // base case
                return null;
            Node copy = new Node(focusNode.key,;
            copy.leftChild = preOrderCopy(focusNode.leftChild);
            copy.rightChild = preOrderCopy(focusNode.rightChild);
            return copy;

    To test the code, I created a BinaryTree based on the one shown on the Wikipedia page for Tree Traversal. Here's a picture of the tree used in this example:

    Pre-order Tree Traversal

    The proper Pre-order traversal for this example is : F, B, A, D, C, E, G, I, H. You can use the following code to test this implementation:

    public class NodeTest {
        public static void main(String[] args) {
            BinaryTree bt = new BinaryTree();
            Node a = new Node(1, "A");
            Node b = new Node(2, "B");
            Node c = new Node(3, "C");
            Node d = new Node(4, "D");
            Node e = new Node(5, "E");
            Node f = new Node(6, "F");
            Node g = new Node(7, "G");
            Node h = new Node(8, "H");
            Node i = new Node(9, "I");
            f.leftChild = b;
            b.leftChild = a;
            b.rightChild = d;
            d.leftChild = c;
            d.rightChild = e;
            f.rightChild = g;
            g.rightChild = i;
            i.leftChild = h;
            bt.root = f;
            System.out.println("Print full tree:");
            System.out.println("Only print f's left sub-tree:");

    Running the above code produces the following output:

    Print full tree:
    Only print f's left sub-tree: