As the question says, i want to make the default value in my Html.DropdownList to be the Actual Date in format yyyy-mm-dd, but i dont know how to set it :
This is my Controller ViewBag:
foreach (var item in db.Pos.Select(l => l.Fecha).Distinct())
dateday = item.ToString("yyyy-MM-dd");
lines = dateday.Split(' ')[0];
var fechas = new SelectList(listItem2.ToList());
ViewBag.Fechas = fechas;
And this is my View HtmlDRopdown:
@Html.DropDownList("Fechas", "Todas")
How can i set a defaut value based on the actual date?
Assuming your LINQ expression b.Pos.Select(l => l.Fecha).Distinct()
returns a collection of DateTime
var list = new List<SelectListItem>();
var today = DateTime.Now;
foreach (var item in db.Pos.Select(l => l.Fecha).Distinct())
var dateday = item.ToString("yyyy-MM-dd");
var listItem = new SelectListItem { Value = dateday, Text = dateday };
listItem.Selected = today.Day == item.Day;
ViewBag.Fechas = list;
And in your view,
This will generate a SELECT Element with name "Fechas" with the days(in the format we specified) and todays date will be selected.
If you want your select element to have a different name, you may consider using a different overload such as
@Html.DropDownList("MyCustomElementName",ViewBag.Fechas as List<SelectListItem>)
I personally prefer to not use ViewBag ! I like to use a view model and the DropDownListFor helper method.