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How to create a user using microstrategy SDK in java (External Security Module)

My goal is to create user using microstrategy SDK and assign filters and groups to the user.

  1. I have a java class CreateUser & SSOESM from SDK. Do I have to create a plugin of the create user class and deploy it in microstrategy intelligence server.

    public class CreateUser {
        public static WebIServerSession sessionInfo;
        public static final String loginName = "NewUser";
        public static final String password= "";
        public static final String fullName= "New User";
        public static final String description="New User Created Programattically";
        /*  The following information is required to login and manipulate the User management API */
        /* iServerName is the IServer we are connecting to */
        public static final String iServerName = "localhost";
        /* projectName is the project name we are connecting to */
        public static final String projectName = "";
        /* loginName is the user name we use to login the project */
        public static final String adminLoginName = "administrator";
        /* loginPasswd is the password we use to login the project */
        public static final String adminLoginPasswd = "";
        public static void main(String[] args) {
            sessionInfo = getServerSession(iServerName, projectName, adminLoginName, adminLoginPasswd);
            UserBean user = null;
            try {
                //Instantiate a new user
                user = (UserBean)BeanFactory.getInstance().newBean("UserBean");
                //Fetch properties for the user
                WebUser ua = (WebUser) user.getUserEntityObject();
                WebStandardLoginInfo loginInfo = ua.getStandardLoginInfo();
                //Set basic user information
                //Set other properties
                Calendar cal = Calendar.getInstance();
                cal.set(2012, 11, 21);
                Date d = cal.getTime();
                loginInfo.setPasswordExpirationDate(d);  //Password expires on November 21, 2012
                loginInfo.setPasswordExpirationFrequency(90); //90 days to expire
                loginInfo.setPasswordExpiresAutomatically(true); //If set to false, password never expires
                loginInfo.setStandardAuthAllowed(true); //The user can log in using standard auth
            } catch (WebBeanException ex) {
                System.out.println("Error creating a user: " + ex.getMessage());
        public static WebIServerSession getServerSession(String serverName, String Project, String loginName, String password) {
            WebIServerSession sessionInfo = null;
            try {
                WebObjectsFactory woFact = WebObjectsFactory.getInstance();
                sessionInfo = woFact.getIServerSession();
                //Create a new session
            } catch (WebObjectsException ex) {
                System.out.println("Error creating a sesion");
            return sessionInfo;

My goal is when a user try to logon the user should be created on the fly using the sdk classes.


  • I have to create a plugin and configure the plugin to use the java class you have created as an ESM.

    With that said its important to understand that the actions you are performing are very expensive. They may degrade the user experience if you are attempting to provide a fast SSO experience. Depending on the implementation you have it may be better to create a custom task, which can be fired when the user authenticates with the third party application. This task can perform all the actions you are describing, and then return a session state. Which can be used in any subsequent connections to MicroStrategy Web.