How can I control the size of labels and legend text?
This example is taken right of the HH documentation:
data(ProfChal) ## ProfChal is a data.frame.
likert(Question ~ . , ProfChal[ProfChal$Subtable=="Employment sector",],
main='Is your job professionally challenging?', ylab=NULL)
To be more specifically, I would like to increase the size of the five labels on the left side of the figure.
generates lattice
plots, so lattice
commands should work. To change the text size for the y-axis labels, add this line to your code: scales = list(y = list(cex = 1.2))
, where cex in the multiplier to control the text size.
data(ProfChal) ## ProfChal is a data.frame.
likert(Question ~ . , ProfChal[ProfChal$Subtable=="Employment sector",],
main='Is your job professionally challenging?',
scales = list(y = list(cex = 1.2)))